Saturday, August 25, 2012

The people of God are the church - but we are grateful for places to meet together!

The very first church service after our 4 easter outreaches was held in our lounge room!
After a few weeks of having church in our house we moved to having services at Cullen Bay in a conference room. Thank you to Rowan and Naomi Grosser for letting us use the facility! What a blessing.
The church grew quite quickly.
As the church grew we needed a bigger venue to meet together. Troy was already picking up students from the university to come to church on a Sunday so we asked - and they said we could use this 98 seater lecture theatre.
After a couple of months we were able to move into the bigger lecture theatre room. This was also a great move as before we didn't have a room to do kids church so we just had to make do with the foyer. With the new lecture room we were also able to use a classroom for kids church. This is still our current venue as of 2012.

Friday, August 24, 2012

A Church has been planted...

Soooooo........Its been a long, long time since I have last blogged about the adventure of planting a church in Darwin. Between this post and the last post a church has been planted and as all things do when they are planted - they grow! I could make excuses as to why I haven't blogged in such a long time. After all, we have been keeping ourselves busy with starting the church. At this stage I am not going to write a history of the last 2 1/2 years - although I will try to post some pics to give a snapshot. All I will say at this point is that God is faithful. Precious people have found Christ and are on the journey of discipleship. The church is made up of people who have been Christians for years, months, weeks and also people who are still checking out this whole Jesus thing! When the church was first planted the oldest person in the church was only 35 years old, and we only had a few children, whereas now we have a wide range of ages. During 2011 we had a church baby boom, I think I counted 8 babies born within the space of 12 months!! Darwin has an incredibly transient population so we have seen a lot of people pass through the church on the way to their next destination. It has been hard to say goodbye to so many people in only 2 1/2 years, however what a blessing that our church family has been able to play a part in their Christian journey for even a short space of time. I promise the next blog post will be soon!!